Complimentary Discovery Call

This free 20-minute call is the first step. It allows us to discuss your current health challenges and goals and to determine whether functional nutrition is right for you.

To request your Complimentary Health Evaluation, simply reach out to me by clicking the BOOK NOW button below and I will send you a questionnaire to better understand your current situation, which we will review together during our call.

7 Healthy Habits

Are you ready to start creating new habits that will make you feel happier and healthier?  I’ll send you one easy habit each day over the next 7 days that you can incorporate into your daily routine with a simple action step at the end.  By the end of the 7 days, I know you’ll feel more happy, healthy and fulfilled.


Healthy Fats Handout

Print out this guide and hang it on your fridge.  These are the fats you should eat for optimal health and also the ones you should not be eating to avoid inflammation.



“Thanks so much for helping me get on the righ track about my health.  Learning from you how to eat right has lowered my cholesterol 50 points in just 1 month!  I’m so grateful for you!  I feel better than I have in years.  I don’t even miss sweets or soda anymore.  You are a true inspiration!”


“After my first six weeks of following Ferra’s wellness recommendations, I just can’t stop saying such great things about my experience. So far I’ve gone from sluggish and just plain tired to energized and motivated to continue on the path to heal my body from years of neglect.

I’ve worked with several health advisers in the past.  Ferra was different because she didn’t say here’s the plan, take it or leave and best of luck to you. She was truly invested in my success. She really listened to my concerns and worked to tailor the plan recommendations based on my diet preferences and daily lifestyle. Her plan and nonjudgmental support was the key to my success.”


Reach out!

10 + 7 =